OSIL’s Tern, Fulmar, Skua & Albatross Data Buoy’s are robust, versatile instrumentation platforms ideally suited for the detection of oil spills and slicks to protect vulnerable areas day and night even under harsh weather conditions.
OSIL’s Tern, Fulmar, Skua & Albatross Data Buoy’s are supplied with a Remote Optical Watcher (ROW) for the detection of oil slicks. The Remote Optical Watcher (ROW) is a non-contact sensor equipped with a pulsed UV LED beam to excite the oil molecules that have appeared in the studied water area, and induce their fluorescence. The Remote Optical Watcher (ROW) photo-detector collects the resulting returning signal for further analysis and is immediately processed by the on board software to determine the presence of an oil slick.
The highly sensitive Remote Optical Watcher (ROW) detects the following substances and can be set-up to ignore other materials that fluorescence in the same wave length:
Fuel oil (IFO)
Marine diesel oil (MDO)
Gas oil
Crude oil
Motor oil
Turbine oil
Jet fuel
Mineral oil
Aromatic oil
Lube oil
Hydraulic oil
Heating oil
The oil slick data/ alarms can be processed directly through the Remote Optical Watcher (ROW) PC software or logged on the buoy to be transmitted to the client. Alarm options include visual lights/ horns, email and text.
The Tern Buoy offers a perfect platform for the Remote Optical Water (ROW) for calm, sheltered waters with low wave action including lochs, rivers, estuaries and harbours.
The Fulmar, Skua and Albatross allow the Remote Optical Water (ROW) to be used in harsher, deep water environments.
The buoys are moored in a fixed position with a single or dual point mooring.
The Remote Optical Water (ROW) oil slick sensor can also be added to our range of MetOcean Buoys adding further protection capabilities for vulnerable areas. All buoys are fitted with solar panels, navigation/warning lights and other markings as necessary. A range of telemetry options are available (UHF/VHF, GSM, GPRS, Satellite), selected to suit both the location and application requirements. OSIL provide a complete data telemetry solution, including either desk top or web-based software packages to access the data.
Related Case Study
Oil Spill Monitoring Buoys for Saudi Arabian Power Plant
A large power plant in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia now boasts two Oil Spill Monitoring buoys designed, built and installed on-site by OSIL engineers.
- Robust construction
- Modular design making transportation easy and replacement of equipment simple
- Highly stable in operation
- Solar power systems available as self-contained modules or separate larger panels for higher power load
- Choice of detection times
- Mooring systems available for inshore waters and open sea locations