The Giant Marine Snow Catcher is a large volume water sampler, with a removable bottom section, which can be used to collect samples of Marine Snow to facilitate the study of the distribution of these particles throughout the water column.
The body of the sampler is manufactured from Base Grade Polypropylene. The O-ring sealed removable bottom section also incorporates a cast acrylic viewing window. Water transport through the device during descent is through two large diameter terminal apertures, constructed to reduce turbulence.
Closure of the sampler is by means of a brass messenger. On recovery of the system the device must remain upright on deck to allow the particles to settle. The top section is slowly drained of water through the taps on the side of the sampler, leaving a small water sample, and the Marine Snow particles, in the bottom section. This can be disconnected, and the particles sampled, photographed, and removed using a wide bore pipette.
- Carbon Flux Studies
- Food Chain Research
- Marine Snow Analysis
Technical Specifications
- Dimensions (cm): 300 x 70 ø
- Weight in air (kg): 170
- Sample volume (L): 300